Transition Timeline
Understanding the Milestones
To facilitate the transition, there are key milestones that must be met, including submitting an organizational plan and chart, a human capital plan, a communications plan, and a comprehensive document control inventory. These are likely to change over time and additional deliverables will be drafted as the end of the fiscal year approaches and we enter into the first year of operation of the two new agencies.
October 1, 2021
The Act becomes effective and applicable law in the District of Columbia.
October 1, 2021
This day and every quarter thereafter: quarterly progress updates are due to the DC Council.
November 30, 2021
Organizational plan and chart is due.
March 29, 2022
Comprehensive document control inventory due. Identifies all the documents, collateral, and assets to reflect required change in responsibilities.
October 1, 2022
Business process analysis and reengineering assessment due. Identifies the processes by which DCRA currently performs each of the functions in the law, evaluates the effectiveness of each existing process, identifies process improvements and provides redesigned operational processes.
October 1, 2022
Information technology needs assessment due. Identifies the resources and tools necessary to enable operations over a single system or a minimal number of fully integrated systems, and facilitates plan review, enforcement, and records management across all relevant review and enforcement agencies.
October 1, 2022
The Department of Buildings assumes the functions and responsibilities set forth in the law and DCRA is re-designated as the Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection.

We are currently seeking talented professionals who possess a relevant skill set and a strong desire to serve the residents and businesses of the District, to increase our ability to better serve our customers as we expand into the newly established Department of Buildings and Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection.
To join District government at this exciting time, please view the positions associated with DCRA and apply now.
If you have an interest and are potentially qualified, view the current positions and apply at the link below.