About DCRA
The Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) protects the health, safety, economic interests, and quality of life of residents, businesses, and visitors in the District of Columbia by ensuring code compliance and regulating business.
DCRA began serving the residents and businesses of, and visitors to the District of Columbia in 1983 in an effort to streamline and provide easier access for customers. The agency is responsible for regulating construction and business activity in the District of Columbia. DCRA issues construction permits after reviews of construction documents to ensure compliance with building codes and zoning regulations. Construction activity, buildings, and rental housing establishments are inspected and housing code violations are abated, if necessary. To protect consumers, DCRA issues business and professional licenses, registers corporations, inspects weighing and measuring devices used for monetary profit, and issues special events permits.
DCRA will continue serving residents and businesses through 11:59 p.m. on September 30, 2022.

We are currently seeking talented professionals who possess a relevant skill set and a strong desire to serve the residents and businesses of the District, to increase our ability to better serve our customers as we expand into the newly established Department of Buildings and Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection.
To join District government at this exciting time, please view the positions associated with DCRA and apply now.
If you have an interest and are potentially qualified, view the current positions and apply at the link below.